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MBA Coaching

“Who, exactly, seeks out a coach? … Winners who want even more out of life.” Chicago Tribune.


We understand the unique challenges that studying a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) involves and help you identify how best to leverage your qualification and to obtain a return on your investment. 


Whether you are considering an MBA, or if you’re doing an MBA and trying to work out where next, or if you’ve completed your MBA and not yet maximizing its value – we can help. 


Around 60% of MBA students change careers during or shortly after their MBA, yet only the top MBA schools provide dedicated MBA career support.


MBA graduates need to use their MBA for career change or progression within a window of two years, or they will miss the boat.


Melita has an in-depth understanding of the challenges involved with studying an MBA.


She can help you maximise value from an MBA by helping you to:


  • Choose if an MBA is right for your needs, or if another qualification would suit you better.

  • Decide which MBA school, program, learning format and electives would suit you best.

  • Identify your ideal new post-MBA career and how to leverage your MBA.

  • Identify how to use your MBA for a successful career transition, including consulting.

  • Demonstrate the value of your MBA to your next employer in your resume/CV, LinkedIn profile, personal branding, interview and salary negotiation.


Going Over Data

Melita Long was the dedicated Executive MBA Career Consultant at Melbourne University’s prestigious Melbourne Business School from 2014 to 2017. She worked with MBA students from different professional and cultural backgrounds, different industries and at all levels including Executive leadership teams and on Boards.


During that time Melita delivered group training workshops and webinars, developed tailored career guides and provided one-on-one coaching to more than 500 MBA students across five different MBA programs including the Executive and Senior Executive MBAs. 


Her dedicated MBA career guides and workshops included: 


  • How to use your MBA for a successful career transition

  • Successful LinkedIn profiles for MBA students

  • MBS Guide to Management Consulting

  • MBA Resumes and Cover Letters

  • Personal branding for MBAs

  • MBA networking and Job Hunting

To find out more about how we can help you with your MBA contact us now.

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